Night vision binocular D521R is a combination of professional night vision binocular D209 with night range finder which gives additional opportunities for observation and orientation.
Qualitative high aperture optics allows to detect objects at significant distance up to 700 m, and built-in range finder allows to measure distance to them to 1m. Lightweight, shockproof body, clear and suitable device and range finder control.
– lightweight body from superconstructional plastic may withstand big shock load;
– built-in range finder able to measure distance up to 700 m;
– due to special slot installation of powerful hinged IR-illuminator for increasing detection and recognition range is possible;
– filling with dry air or nitrogen to prevent lens weeping inside the binocular is possible;
– it is possible to use outer power source, it allows to use the device in conditions of low temperatures (-20 … -40), when usual power elements stop operating;
– there is dehydrator cartridge in the binocular, it removes possible moisture from the device in case of its unforeseen depressurization.
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